dinsdag 28 mei 2024

New DXCC - number 101 YC8DYX


It was my first time to work Indonesia Celebes. Also ZS1WO from South Africa. Both on 10 meters FT8.

maandag 27 mei 2024

New DXCC: Belize, Armenia and Lebanon


The number of countries is now at 98 since I got the call PAØK. Yesterday I worked OD5ZZ from Lebanon on 20 meters. Today on 20m I worked V31DL from Belize and EK/RX3DPK from Armenia. All with FT8. Today there is almost no DX to hear on 10 meters.

zaterdag 25 mei 2024

New DXCC Uruguay CX5ABM from Montevideo


The 10 meter band is full of surprises. Tonight the 10m band was already dying out. I worked D2UY from Angola again, but as surprise CX5ABM from Montevideo. I have been working more with FT8 lately. It's the only place to really make more qso's. I think 90% of all hams are on digital modes nowadays.

donderdag 23 mei 2024

10 meter activity with FT8


I was able to make some nice QSO's again at 10 meters. FT8 or FT4 is useful for making qso's. With CW too little activity on the amateur bands. I have worked 7Q6M Malawi, BG4UCZ China and A41ZZ Oman.